Friday 16 October 2015

Dynamics CRM 2015 – Point to keep in mind while cloning existing inline editable views.


Last week, I was assigned a task to perform some changes in the view that is associated with system’s invoice product inline editable sub-grid, placed at Invoice entity. I was aware that these system views cannot be changed directly. However, we could make a copy of such views and do the changes. Hence, I made a copy of existing “Invoice Product Inline Edit view” of Invoice Product entity and did the changes as per customer’s needs. Once done, I assigned this newly copied view to the inline editable sub-grid and published the changes.

After publish, surprisingly, I faced two problems, mentioned as under.

  1. It had stopped inline editing feature.
  2. It did not allow importing Invoice Product entity from one CRM instance to another or back to the same instance.

I’m still not able find a solution for aforementioned point #1.

However, for point#2, I’ve found a workaround. Let me explain the same here in this post.

After applying the aforementioned changes, when I tried to import the Invoice Product entity to another CRM instance, I saw the following error message.

“The ‘label’ attribute is not declared”


Out of curiosity, I had extracted the solution zip file and dived into the customisation.xml file. Here, I found a problem. The customisation.xml file was having some unrequired label tags in it (highlighted in following screen print).


I hope you come to know the solution at this point.

Either, we remove these unwanted label tags from the customisation.xml file, bundle it, and re-import it.


Perform the following steps,

  1. Go to Settings –> Customizations –> Customize the System –> Expand the entities tab and open the newly created Invoice Product entity view.
  2. Remove the existing columns which were copied from original view and add them back. It’s just one time activity.
  3. Save the view and publish the customization.
  4. The solution will import successfully.

I hope this post would be helpful.

If anyone knows a solution for the above first problem then please feel free to revert for the same in comments area of this post.


A simple and quick way to insert data into Many-to-Many relationship in Dynamics CRM is the Drag and drop listbox.

Friday 31 July 2015

Selection Count Rule - Display the ribbon command button only if a single record is selected in a list view or a landing page.


Last week, I was assigned a task to configure a ribbon command button on a list view page or a landing page for a lead entity. The requirement was that this button needs to be visible only if a user selects a single lead record in a list. In other words, the command button has to be invisible when user selects more than one lead record or all records or no records at a landing page grid.

In this post, I will explain how to create such rule that can full-fill the aforementioned need.

First, create a new command button for the lead entity using Ribbon Workbench tool, a well-known tool for changing ribbon buttons throughout Dynamics CRM system. It can be downloaded using following URL for Dynamics CRM 2013/2015 (

Refer the following Image 1 to insert a command button to the lead entity.


Image 1


  1. Create a new button by dragging and dropping it into Home area.
  2. Right click on Commands and add a new Command and fill its properties.
  3. Right click on Enable Rules to add a new Enable Rule.

Here, you would see an option to select a “Selection Count Rule”, as shown below in Image 2.


Image 2

Then, configure Edit Rule properties for “SelectionCountRule” as displayed in Image 3.


Image 3


Apply this newly created rule to the Command and assign that Command to a Button as described in Image 4.  

  1. Assign the Enable rule to the Command.
  2. Assign the Command to the Button.


Image 4

At last, Publish the customizations.

That’s it. With such simple enable rule we can configure a command button on landing page that could be visible on selection of single record and invisible when user selects more than one record for an entity.

Thank you for reading this post.


The simplest and quickest way to insert data for Many-to-Many relationship in Dynamics CRM is the Drag and drop listbox.